TVS EPL: Mother Of Every Achievement, ICC sanctioned EPL 2017


Everest Premier League and touching new height of success should be add on the grammar text-book as a new synonymous  sentence. Its going on like a script-writing way. It has provided several cheerful moment for Nepalese cricket and sports fans in-between last 30 days. But the latest success of EPL must be the mother of every cheerful moment. At the beginning, the nation which cricket board is under suspension announced the grand cash-rich league.

EPL MD Aamir Akhtar (left) exchanges the Memorandum of Understanding with Jagadamba Motors MD Shahil Agrawal as Senior Vice-president, International Business at TVS Motors Company R Dilip (centre) looks on during the signing ceremony in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Photo: THT

Numerous private sector came along with the organizer to made this announcement came true. With the time, every cricket passionate private sector started to stand-up continuously for their contribution. Some businessmen and intellectual person got chanced to owned the team. They all were expressing their thankfulness towards the organizer for providing them a chanced to invest in cricket. Marquee players were chosen by their respective team owners through one press meeting before Hong Kong tour.  Right after Hong Kong tour, 10 players were assigned by every team through auction with grand investment. After then EPL has never looks back. Talent hunts programmes had provided a rare and massive chance to young players. EPL signed with AP1 as their TV partner. Numerous facility and entertaining stuffs were announced for the fans. Home of Nepal’s cricket, TU cricket ground is changing its fortune. These are some moment which Nepal’s fans can cheers for till yesterday. But mother of all success came today when ICC sanctioned EPL 2017. National and Foreign Players will now be allowed by the ICC to feature in EPL 2017. ICC has also updated all its member nations about EPL’s approval. New ICC regulations require ICC approval for domestic tournaments in countries where the cricket board is under suspension. EPL therefore had to fulfill the ICC requirements and based on the details sent, ICC has approved the event. Mr. Clive Hitchcock, Senior Cricket Operations Manager for ICC on Thursday evening sent EPL the approval via email. EPL will have to pay a sanctioning fee of 20,000US$ to ICC that will be used solely towards the development of cricket in Nepal. The approval is for this year’s event only. ICC has stated that it sanctioned the event after getting satisfying views from relevant stakeholders. This is the first time that any domestic tournament in Nepal has been sanctioned by the ICC. EPL officials is sure that,  with the support from ICC EPL will reach greater heights!.
EPL has  thank the fans, players, media and all stakeholders through a Facebook post for their continued support.

This all recent success of EPL has come up with the prayers and dedication of Nepal’s fans, private cooperative organization, intellectual and a players lead by a dreamer Amir Akhtar, managing director of EPL. One thing that Nepal cricket had lacked in past is the investment and now with the huge investment, Nepal cricket is expected to touch a new height.


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