Nadipur’s cricket ground has been closed due to security issue


Cricket ground of Nadipur (Nepal) has been closed since two month due to the security issue.

Cricket ground of Nadipur which was leased by MACHHAPUCHHRE CRICKET CLUB since 8 years has been closed since a couple of months due to a political interface. A government’s building having concrete wall is located on the sideline of the ground which is using for province’s cabinet meeting since two months. As soon as the building comes to play, the government restricted players to practice on that ground. Bunch of young players used that ground to sharpen their skills, which now become uncertain. As per the local politician, they decided to close that ground for some period of time, considering the security of cabinet.

With the purpose of getting more information on this issue, we contacted Dipesh Khatri, founder of Machhapuchhre Cricket Club and a former U-19 international cricketer who represented Nepal in the 2004 ICC Under-19 World Cup. As soon as we opened up this topic, he lashed out his words for the cruel government.

Why Nadipur’s cricket ground has been closed?

There’s building on the sideline of ground which is running for the purpose of cabinet’s meeting. They ruled us out for their security. They arrange a meeting once in while and importantly its concrete wall based building so there’s no sense at all to ruled us out.

What is the future of this ground? (Your View)

I don’t have any idea regarding the future of this ground and local players. We did our best to kept it in best possible condition. I personally invested my crucial 8 years and around 20 lakhs for the best possible outcome of this ground.

How will you contribute to Nepali cricket in future?

One who speaks the truth, don’t have any future in our country. Falsehood is the prime source of success in Nepal, which I will never take so I don’t have any faith in my future.

Feature Image – Dipesh Khatri


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