NCSS slogan “Reached by train, will return in plane” have turned into reality


Airway tickets for blind cricketers have been successfully booked through money collected by NCSS Campaign.





As per the latest information provided by NCSS president, Bhanu Sigdel, they have booked the airway tickets for Nepali blind cricketer who are representing Nepal in on-going blind cricket world cup. Nepal’s blind cricketer  travelled by train/bus to participate in world cup due to financial problem. They were forced to tolerate the four days long train way to participate in world cup. Everyone’s heart got ache when they saw helpless post from Nepal’s blind cricket team captain, Kirtan Duwal, during the journey. He posted ” Finally we reached Delhi with enduring lots of troubles,  sleepless and starving journey have already extinctions fatal the life”. After the NCSS, organization which is leading the Nepal’s cricket supporters Society since few years had step up and started the campaign for those inspiring blind cricketer. Later, this campaign created the slogan of “Reached by train, will return in plane”. The slogan and campaign got oriented as they finally booked the plane tickets. Tickets have been booked for 21st January via fly Dubai. They are schedule to fly from Dubai Int’l airport to Tribhuvan Int’l airport as they will be on Tribhuvan Int’l airport by 12:55pm, January 21. Fly Dubai has provided 30% discount in tickets prize so they are named as collaborator of NCSS campaign.



Although main theme of campaign has already got success but still NCSS decides to run their campaign till 20th of January. Remaining money will be handovered to blind cricketers through Blind Cricket Association of Nepal. As per the NCSS inquiry to blind cricketers, we came to know that most of cricketers who are from outside of valley don’t have money to travel to their hometown. Some of them had borrowed the money in debt to issue to passport. So, if you are yet to be part of this campaign then, you still have enough time. Your small contribution can come very handy for the cricketers way able above the usual abilities.

Following are the ways of contribution:-

  1. You can deposit money into the official bank account of NCSS.

(Global IME Bank, NCSS, 0801010001587)

  1. Retail help (below rs. 1000) can be done with Esewa id. (Esewa no. 9841163260)

  2. If you want to contribute through IME from inside or outside the nation then, you can send in the name of NCSS treasurer, Pramod Bajracharya, Kathmandu.

  3. If you desire to hand over money by your hand then, meet up with Bhanu Sigdel (9851148528) or Pramod Bajracharya (9841163260)


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